Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rainfall in Willet Science Center Parking Lot

For last week's lab, we calculated how many gallons of rainwater fall on the Willet Sciene Center parking lot during a 2 inch rainstorm. This type of calculation could be important to determining how to best construct a parking lot for optimum drainage of stormwater. A space that is designed so that water that accumulates quickly stagnates instead of drains can breed pests like mosquitoes or even cause a flood hazard during a big rainstorm. This is actually a pretty big concern on campus when it rains. 

This is a photo I took last year by the Adams-Winship Apartments after a rainstorm. Although it is difficult to tell from the darkness of the picture, the water had created a small pool about nine feet across and probably six inches deep in some places. The pool extended from the improperly drained parking lot. 

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