Monday, April 28, 2014

Traffic Study

For this traffic study, I spent twenty minutes watching cars go by on I75-southbound. I recorded the number of people in each type of vehicle and found the average number of people in each type of vehicle. I also marked whether the driver was multitasking or not, and plugged in those numbers to find the percentage of people n each type of vehicle multitasking. Single drivers in cars were most likely to be on their cell phones.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Notes on Mitochondrial Eve

Mitochondrial Eve is the closest common ancestor to which all humans are related. She lived about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago and we can trace her DNA through female lines. It is neat to explore the implications of Mitochondrial Eve because she shows us that humans are a lot more related than we might initially think. We're not too different after all! It is very important for our understanding of human relations to realize that no matter how "different" people look, we're actually all related!

A reconstruction of how Mitochondrial Eve could have looked.

 Lakota Sioux Woman
South Korean Man Pakistani Man Australian Woman

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Native Trees of Georgia

Here are some common trees found around the Macon, Georgia area and the Mercer University campus.

Red Maple - Deciduous trees that grow in swampy, low-lying areas. They are naturally found near sources of water. Part of the Maple/Acaracea family.

Southern Magnolia (magnolia grandiflora) - Broadleaf evergreen with dark, glossy leaves that grows into an oval shape as it reached adulthood. Has fragrant, white flowers during the summer months.

Japanese Flowering (Yoshino) (prunus x yedoensis) - Fragrant white or pink blossoms with glossy bark and dark green leaves. Likes to grow in the full sun.

Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) - Deciduous tree, and also dioecious, meaning it has male and female flowers on different trees. The female trees sprout small flowers in certain months, as well as small fruit sometimes.

Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata) - A fast-growing medium or tall tree with dark-bluish green needles that exist in bundles of two or three. Commonly found in grassy areas or abandoned agricultural land.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tree Rings

Dendrochronology is the study of tree rings. This tree was cut down in Palm Springs, California. We can count backwards from the outermost tree ring to figure out how old a tree is. This tree was about 33 years old when it was cut. I have counted the rings back to list some important events in history.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Topographic Map

A topographic map shows us the elevation of certain areas. I chose Clingman's Dome to create my map, which is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. To create the lines, I chose specific values in feet, and used tools in Google Earth to trace out the elevations. This process was complicated the different ridges in the area that sometimes led to odd lines being traced out. Overall, the lines retain similar shapes. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Map Types

There are four major kinds of maps that we see. They are isopleth, dot-density, proportional symbol, and chloropleth maps.

Chloropleth maps are shaded so that each shaded area represents a range of values.

Isopleth maps show range of quantity, and are not grouped to a predefined region like a state or country. Data ranges with similar values can be drawn in similar colors, or lines can be drawn so the values are shown as higher or lower than the isopline value. Temperature is commonly displayed using this type of map.

Dot-density maps show the geographic distribution of data using an arrangement of identical symbols, usually dots. Cell-phone usage is one popular example of this type of map. 

Proportional symbol maps display sets of data using proportionally sized symbols to illustrate the data. A higher numerical value or range would call for a larger symbol, and vice-versa.